Grade 1 Teaching Staff
1A: Shae Brebner and Cassie Manatase – Room 9
1B: Deb Ford - Room 24
1C: Kayla Maslen - Room 101D: Jessica Weller – Room 23
Educational Support Staff
Allanah Porter
Gayle Batt
Glenda Garrad
In Term Two the academic focus has been on:
Maths – Learning strategies for addition and subtraction, location and direction, and shape.
Maths Masters – Being able to choose learning activities that will help us learn a Master.
Reading – Check for understanding when we read and how to monitor our own reading for accuracy and meaning. Skip the word and re read.
Word Work – We are learning about sound and visual strategies to spell. We have studied double letter blends and now we are learning onset and rime.
Speaking and Listening – We do much of this through our reflections and Circle Time.
Writing:Recount Writing – A retold past experience
Author study on Imaginative Narratives – Analysing Graeme Base’s writing style
Informative Writing - Factual information
Poetry Writing - Acrostic poems, limericks, diamante poems etc.
Integrated Topic:
Term 1 - “Community”Students learn about the community space, who is in it and how to navigate it.
Term 2 - “World Map”
Students learn about famous countries, capitals and landmarks around the world, and how to be a tourist.
Interpersonal Skills – working in groups, accepting our strengths and weaknesses
Personal Skills – setting goals and having confidence
Library – borrowing each week
Specialist Timetable
Please see one of us if you have any questions about Grade One in 2022.