Grade 4 Teaching Staff
4A: Mandy Collard – Room 27
4B: Stephanie Brien - Room 26
4C: Paula Murnane - Room 28
4D: Kirren Whaipu and Lauren Amer- Room 25
Educational Support Staff
4A: Janette Morris
4B: Anna Pansow
4C: Janette Morris
4D: Elke Harris
Welcome to Grade 4!
This year is an exciting time for our students as they begin to take the jump into senior school. They will attend their first multi-night camp, get to write in pen and gain their pen licence and be able to take on more of a leadership role around the school.
In Reading, Grade 4 students are improving their comprehension of a range of texts through the use of different strategies. They have been learning how to make connections between the texts they’re reading, their own experiences and the world itself. Students will learn the difference between a fact and opinion, and how to identify cause and effect. A big focus will be students being able to infer and look for a hidden meaning within a text.
In Writing, Grade 4 students are learning to write in a variety of different ways, with the primary focus being to engage the reader. They have focused specifically on making sure their ideas are cohesive and engaging. Students will also be looking to gain their ‘P Plates’, which in turn will allow them to gain their ‘full’ pen licence.
In Mathematics, students have been focusing on using their knowledge of number, measurement and probability in a ‘real world’ setting. We will be practising strategies in multiplication and division, with the goal of becoming fluent with times tables up to 10X10. Students will focus on patterns and their knowledge of the place value system to inform their understanding of the four operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).
Our topics for this year include identity and what makes us all unique. We will also investigate the history of Australia from the Dreamtime and Indigenous perspectives right up until the present day. We will look at change and adaptation from a scientific perspective and investigate at how Art influences culture, both in the past and presently.