Welcome to the 2024 Senior School page!
Introducing the 2024 Senior Team:
Jorja Growcott – 5A
Cait Ruseler and Jodie Taylor – 5B
James Zygmunt – 5C
Tanith Keller – 6A
Samantha Lovegrove – 6B
Jake Lucas – 6C
Sarah Nixon - 6D
As well as our fabulous education support staff: Emily Williams, Jessica Veng, Kate Macklin, Nicole Eakins, Joanne Etherton
We are all so excited to work with our students to achieve success in their final years of primary school.
Some of the fantastic programs on offer to our senior students this year include:
Our Curriculum for 2024:
This year in Reading we are continuing to focus on establishing our routines and expectations for the reading block. This includes finding good fit books, building our reading stamina and introducing a range of activities that improve fluency, accuracy and comprehension. We will also be focussing on the meanings of words and different variations of them and how they’re related. As students master the expectations, we will be exploring a range of different genres and text types and having students respond to and analyse them to expand their confidence as good readers.
In Writing this year we are continuing to develop our understanding of the writing process, and analysing the structure and language features of a range of text genres, to improve the quality of our writing. The text types we are focussing on include imaginative narratives, an author study of Mem Fox, information reports, poetry, explanations and persuasive writing. We will be focussing on elaborating our ideas and improving our vocabulary.
Throughout this year in Maths, we will have a major focus on routines and expectations as students become familiar with the new Maths block structure. Students will explore and investigate concepts across the three Numeracy strands of Number & Algebra, Statistics & Probability, and Measurement & Geometry. Students will work collaboratively to problem solve and explore new concepts through open-ended tasks. Students will also continue to focus on their independent goals during Maths Masters sessions.
We will explore four Integrated topics this year:
Term 1: Our focus is ‘Ethics’ with students exploring current and philosophical worldly issues and debating the moralities behind them. Students will investigate the question ‘What does it mean to be a self-aware, informed and active Australian citizen?’, and use this to guide their own research into ethical debates when completing their projects.
Term 2: Students will explore the colonisation of Australia, focusing on the way Australia’s identity was shaped through key historical events from the 1900s. Students will look at what constitutes a Federation, and whether Australia could be considered one. Students will then devise their own investigation questions and use these to guide their research into the colonisation of Australia.
Term 3: Our explorations will be linked to the concept of Adaptations. Students will investigate the way living organisms adapt and evolve to suit their environment, and how these adaptations are key for survival. Students will then compete their own investigations into an adaption of their choice.
Term 4: Students will observe and explore how The Arts can be used as a way of expressing oneself, emotions and experiences. We will look at several art disciplines to showcase how they are used as a form of expression from both an individual and group perspective. Students will then be provided the opportunity to showcase their own thoughts and ideas using own of the disciplines explored.
The Grade 5/6 team is always available for a chat so please feel free to contact us at school anytime. Thank you